Monday, April 9, 2012


Lesson A
1. I have no idea why…
1.       Do you know which battery I should buy ?
2.       Can you tell me where are they?
3.       Can you remember when you last changed it
4.       Do you have any idea how much costs
                       1. I have no idea why it isn’t working
                       2. I don’t know when I last changed it
                       3. I wonder if I should buy two batteries
·         Can you tell me when you last changed it
·         I don’t know when I last changed it
·         Do you know which battery I should buy
·         Do you have any idea how much it costs
·         Can you tell me where are they
·         I wonder if I should buy two batteries
2.  I wonder
1.       I wonder if you can download music on this web site
2.       Can you tell me which web site I should use
3.       Do you know how to search songs
4.       Do you have any idea is there a charge for each song
5.       Do you know how to pay for songs
6.       Can you remember what format you downloaded the song in
7.       I wonder why it takes so long to download
8.       Do you know why it is not working
1.       I don’t know if you can download music on this web site
2.       I don’t know which website you should use
3.       I can’t remember how to research song
4.       I have no idea is there a charge for each song
5.       I have no idea how to pay for songs
1. You should put it down
1.       Put down
2.       Throw away
3.       Hook up
4.       Take off
5.       Put on
6.       Look up
7.       Turn off
8.       Put away
9.       Turn down
10.   Take out
2. Step by step
·         Turn down the air conditioning
·         Turn on the radio
·         Turn up the volume
·         Hook up the computer
·         Pick up  the monitor
·         Plug in all the cables
3. What to do?
2. A:Look up the new words in a dictionary. Look the new words up in a dictionary.
    B: Can we look them up on the internet?
3. A: You have to put the DVD in gently. You have to put in the DVD gently
     B: If doesn’t work should I take it out?
4.A: The kitchen’s so  messy. We should put away the dishes. We put the dishes away
   B: Actually,why don’t we throw them away?
4. About you
1.       How to program a VCR
2.       Where to plug in the headphone
3.       How to use your TV remote
4.       How to look up information
5.       What to do
6.       How to burn a CD
1. Don’t you think…?
1.       F
2.       E
3.       C
4.       A
5.       B
6.       D


Lesson  A
1. And now, the news
1. was closed, founded, weredelayed, was cancelled, removed, searched, was re-opened
2. rescued, called, wasn’t hurted,was-taken, released
3. was broken into, were stolen, was closed off, interviewed, seen
2. More news
1.       The geme was delayed for two hours
2.       Ring was stolen from an exhibit
3.       They rock concert the cancelled
4.       A wallet was founded on a bus
5.       A violin was losted at on airport
6.       A man was rescued from fire
3. What happened?
                    A down town jewelry store was robbed yesterday. It was broken info and 6 crystal necklace were stolen. Next day this jewelry store was closed but investigation was continued by policeman. A woman was hurted by robbers. Stolen jewelry was founded a few days. And robbers was taken away by police.
1. All kinds of weather
1.       Floods
2.       Hailstorm
3.       Hurricane
4.       Tornado-wind
5.       Earthquake-aftershocks
6.       Thunderstorm-lighting
2. What was the cause
1.       A fire was started by a candle
2.       The tree was blowen down by tornado
3.       The house was striken by strong wind
4.       Wild forest fire was caused by thunder
5.       A car was cracked by lailstorm
3. In the news
1.       The building was partially damaged by the fire
2.       The train was temporarily discupted by services
3.       Several houses were badly damaged by flash floods in the area
4.       The firefighters seriuosly were injured by a wildfire
5.       A small farm completely was destroyed by a tornado
Lesson   C  Did hear about…?
1.News travels fast!
·         Did you hear about
·         Guess what
·         You know what
·         You know
·         Did I tell you
2. About you
2.       I slept on a table when I was on a date
3.       Our football fan team was losed by Sharks last weekend
4.       Tomorrow will be hotter, than today and it’ll be rain
5.       Have was broken her leg
6.       My brother will be back soon
7.       In Beijing there is a pirade and all citizens actively prepare to it
3. The funny thing was..
1.       Nothing was stolen
2.       Took my favorite CD’s
3.       They didn’t tell anyone about it
4.       It rained
5.       The ending was the best
6.       It was really expensive
4. The whole story
·         Did you hear
·         The best thing is
·         Did I tell you
·         The funny thing is

1. Only the news that interests you
1.       C
2.       F
3.       A
4.       D
5.       B
6.       E

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Lesson  A    Wishes

1.   A  when you wish

1.       James wishes he had a new car

2.       Emi and Sue wishes they had a bigger apartment

3.       Joey wishes he was taller

4.       Esteban and pilar wishes they had a two TVs

5.       Al wishes he was a better cook

6.       Li-ming don’t like living in the city

1. B

1.       Had, would buy

2.       Lived, would have

3.       Was, would score

4.       Had, wouldn’t have

5.       Didn’t , would eat

6.       Lived, would be

2. About you

2.       I wish I was basketball player

If I was a president of Mongolia I would develop country

3.       I wish I can sing I would bea singer

If I can dance

4.       I wish I wasn’t a girl a would go to military

If I wasn’t

5.       I wish my parents wasn’t been at home I  would have a party

If they wasn’t student they would work

6.       I wish my friend was here

If he or she was here we would talk with other

7.       I wish I had a car

If I had a work I would work

8.       I wish I lived is Paris I would see Touffle

If I lived in China I would see great wall

LESSON  B  Life’s little dilemmas

2.       I always apologize for my mistakes

3.       My friends never thank me for  helping them

4.       I always worry about talking tests

5.       I usually share CDs with my neighbors

6.       If I forgot about a friends birthday. I would feel bad

2. Remind me about it

2.       Can I  borrow some money from you for lunch              

Oh, don’t worry about it

3.       Do you think a should buy this camera for my sister’s birthday

Why don’t you ask for her about it first

4.       Can you lend ten dollars to Lenny to to buy a  movie ticket

I have just enough to pay for my own ticket

5.       Should we talk someone to directions to the museum

I’m sure if I think about it for a minute, I’ll remember hoe to get there

3. Would you ask for an autograph?

2.       If you saw an accident, what would you do?

Would you call for an ambulance

3.       What would you do if you had a large spider on your leg?

Do you scream?

4.       If you broke your best friend’s CD player how would you feel?

Would you offer to replace it?

5.       How would you react if your best friend won a trip to Hawai

Would you feel jealous

6.       What would toy say to yours neighbors if they complained about your music?


1. I’d choose

·         If I were you, I’d

·         You could

·         You might want to

·         I wouldn’t

·         I would


Tuesday, April 3, 2012



Lesson  A   Circle of friends

1. He’s the guy


2.       That, that

3.       --, that

4.       That, who

5.       That, --

6.       Which

2. She’s the girl…

Who, that, which, who, which

3.  I have a friend…

1.       I have a friend Li, who I that lives in South Korea

2.       I met her in Seoul at the store that the shop sells handmade paper

3.       It is a very special shop which her family owns a store

4.       I bought some paper that the paper has rose petals in it

5.       She was the only person who I spoke to her in Korean

6.       Later she invited me to restaurant which it served traditional Korean food

4. About you

1.       I have a friend who speaks three languages

2.       My neighbor is someone who I can rely on

3.       I like stores which has cool tiny stuffs

4.       I take a class which not very far from my home

5.       I don’t like the food that has too much sauce

6.       I know someone who can not be trusted

LESSON  B  Dating

1. Which particle?

1.       Away

2.       Up

3.       Down

4.       Back

5.       Out

6.       Away

7.       Up

8.       Back

2. Figure it out

1.       Write back

2.       Work out

3.       Get along

4.       Go away

5.       Come back

6.       Grow up

7.       Sign in

3.  Breaking up is hard to do

Broke up, hanging out, work out, were getting a long, going out, get back

4. About you

1.       I get along well with my sister because we are very similar

2.       Yes, I do

3.       We like hanging out in parks

4.       Yes, I do

5.       Yes, I would like to sign up for driving class

6.       No, I don’t think that

LESSON C   They’re probably just busy

1. I guess

1. I guess he’s kind of disorganized

·         I think he’s doing too much of work

·         I guessed he sort of stressed out

2. Maybe she is just shy

·         It takes a little time

·         I think it’s hard to fit in

·         Making friends is hard in some way

2. It’s spicy, though

                        1. It was a bit spicy

                        2. He’s here for two weeks

·         He’s pretty shy

·         I’ll find out when he’s free

3. About you

1.       I guess I’m kind of bad at playing tennis. I’m really great at playing chess, though

2.       My worst quality is I sit front of computer for hours. Best one is I’ll be there for my friends

3.       Learning English is very interesting same as my native language

4.       He sometimes can be too complainy but he’s someone I can rely on

5.       I like alternative rock and least hip hop

LESSON  D  Old friends

1.  Interactive communities

1.       F

2.       T

3.       T

4.       F

5.       F

6.       F

7.       T

8.       T

2. Common ground

Both, both of us, we both, both, both, both of us