Tuesday, April 3, 2012



Lesson  A   Circle of friends

1. He’s the guy


2.       That, that

3.       --, that

4.       That, who

5.       That, --

6.       Which

2. She’s the girl…

Who, that, which, who, which

3.  I have a friend…

1.       I have a friend Li, who I that lives in South Korea

2.       I met her in Seoul at the store that the shop sells handmade paper

3.       It is a very special shop which her family owns a store

4.       I bought some paper that the paper has rose petals in it

5.       She was the only person who I spoke to her in Korean

6.       Later she invited me to restaurant which it served traditional Korean food

4. About you

1.       I have a friend who speaks three languages

2.       My neighbor is someone who I can rely on

3.       I like stores which has cool tiny stuffs

4.       I take a class which not very far from my home

5.       I don’t like the food that has too much sauce

6.       I know someone who can not be trusted

LESSON  B  Dating

1. Which particle?

1.       Away

2.       Up

3.       Down

4.       Back

5.       Out

6.       Away

7.       Up

8.       Back

2. Figure it out

1.       Write back

2.       Work out

3.       Get along

4.       Go away

5.       Come back

6.       Grow up

7.       Sign in

3.  Breaking up is hard to do

Broke up, hanging out, work out, were getting a long, going out, get back

4. About you

1.       I get along well with my sister because we are very similar

2.       Yes, I do

3.       We like hanging out in parks

4.       Yes, I do

5.       Yes, I would like to sign up for driving class

6.       No, I don’t think that

LESSON C   They’re probably just busy

1. I guess

1. I guess he’s kind of disorganized

·         I think he’s doing too much of work

·         I guessed he sort of stressed out

2. Maybe she is just shy

·         It takes a little time

·         I think it’s hard to fit in

·         Making friends is hard in some way

2. It’s spicy, though

                        1. It was a bit spicy

                        2. He’s here for two weeks

·         He’s pretty shy

·         I’ll find out when he’s free

3. About you

1.       I guess I’m kind of bad at playing tennis. I’m really great at playing chess, though

2.       My worst quality is I sit front of computer for hours. Best one is I’ll be there for my friends

3.       Learning English is very interesting same as my native language

4.       He sometimes can be too complainy but he’s someone I can rely on

5.       I like alternative rock and least hip hop

LESSON  D  Old friends

1.  Interactive communities

1.       F

2.       T

3.       T

4.       F

5.       F

6.       F

7.       T

8.       T

2. Common ground

Both, both of us, we both, both, both, both of us

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